It consistently delivers actual belly laughs over its ten-hour running time, manages to convincingly portray its core protagonists’ emotional journeys, does a strong line in romantic subplot and, what’s more, it does all of this whilst giving fans of its source material plenty of returning characters, lore and a healthy dollop of the series’ signature gross-out humour to indulge in. From the opening moments of episode one to the grand finale of five, Tales from the Borderlands absolutely excels at creating a take on this universe that’s chock full of entertaining action and populated by well-written characters you’ll actually grow to care about. With this in mind, you would think that a purely narrative-focused adventure spin-off set within this self-same universe would be something we’d most likely not enjoy but, with Telltale Games at the helm, this is a world transformed. If you’ve yet to experience this one, believe us, you’re in for a treat. Having been removed from most digital storefronts all the way back in 2019 as a result of the studio’s closure, Tales from the Borderlands was relaunched on PlayStation, Xbox and PC in February of this year now it finally makes its way to Switch in a port that sees all five episodes of this excellent space adventure released in a single essential package.

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